Training pathways
Dementia Respite Education and Mentoring (DREAM )
Wicking Dementia Research and Education Centre in collaboration with Dementia Support Australia
DREAM offers in person access to dementia support coaches who can travel to you at no cost (yes, even in remote Australia), a series of online education modules and an online Community of Practice developed for the dementia respite workforce, but applicable to everyone providing care to people living with dementia.
DREAM is funded by the Australian Government and is completely free to access.
How can I engage?
Read more about DREAM:
Enrol into DREAM:
Contact DREAM directly:
Once you have enrolled you will have access to the three DREAM elements: Education, Community of Practice and Coaching. To engage with a dementia support coach, navigate to the coaching tab and click “+ request a coach”.
A guide to VET for Human Services Employers
Human Services Skills Organisation
The challenge for building a skilled human services workforce is a pressing one. Designed for employers, the Guide to VET for human services employers contains practical, easy to understand information about the vocational education and training (VET) system and advice on how to build and maximise relationships with training organisations.
Within the guide you will find simple information about vocational education and training, step-by-step instructions for finding training providers that can deliver what you need and how you need it, how you can influence the VET system, useful resources and more.
How can I engage?
The guide is available for direct access and download via the HSSO website.
Remote and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Aged Care Service Development Assistance Panel (SDAP)
Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care
The Service Delivery Assistance Panel (SDAP) offers professional support for services to improve the delivery and administration of aged care services, with a focus on addressing challenges in clinical care, financial and workforce planning, governance, and regulation.
The program also emphasises culturally appropriate support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander aged care services.
Eligibility for SDAP is open to aged care service providers in small rural towns or remote areas (Modified Model 5–7) and those serving a significant number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals anywhere in Australia. This includes providers of residential aged care, home care through the Home Care Packages Program, and those funded under the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flexible Aged Care Program. Providers in rural and remote areas delivering aged care services under the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) may also be eligible.
The program seeks to assist aged care providers in rural and remote areas, who face challenges such as higher costs, limited access to professional services, a shortage of skilled workers, and the need to adapt to changes in the aged care system. The support offered through SDAP helps these providers build capacity and enhance the quality of their services to meet standards and legislative requirements.
SDAP support is divided into three main areas: Provider Capability and Support, Sector Development, and Infrastructure Project Management. Provider Capability and Support includes assistance with compliance, quality standards, and building management and governance capabilities. Sector Development focuses on helping providers adapt to changes in the aged care system, offer workforce training, and enhance service delivery. Infrastructure Project Management provides support for compliance with relevant laws and project management of building works.
Additionally, the Rural and Remote Aged Care Management Training Program offers training for aged care managers in rural and remote settings, with no specific prerequisites. This program is delivered by experienced trainers who guide participants on meeting their responsibilities to consumers, communities, and organizations in these unique care settings.
How can I engage?
Organisations can apply by reading and completing the SDAP Application Form.
Email with any queries or contact your local Department of Health office to discuss your support needs.
Nursing and Allied Health Scholarships
Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care
The Department of Health and Aged Care funds a range of scholarship opportunities through the Australian College of Nursing including nursing, midwifery, aged care, undergraduate and postgraduate scholarships. Preference is given to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander applicants.
These are administered through the Australian College of Nursing.
How can I engage?
You can find more information on the ACN website:
Rural Locum Assistance Program
Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care
The Rural Locum Assistance Program is dedicated to supporting aged care facilities in rural and remote areas that face workforce shortages due to sudden departures, annual leave and training needs. The program aims to connect these facilities with suitable locum professionals to fill essential positions, ensuring uninterrupted service delivery across rural and remote Australia. The positions eligible for locum cover include Aged Care Nurses, Allied Health experts, Facility Managers and Aged Care Workers.
The program guarantees that older Australians in need of aged care services in these areas receive consistent, high-quality care with clinical leadership. It also provides a lifeline for facilities experiencing high staff turnover, offering temporary workforce solutions while they recruit permanent team members.
The program manages all aspects of locum recruitment, from travel and accommodation to incentives, without any fees or charges to your aged care service. Your only responsibility is paying regular wages, including penalties, superannuation, and taxes, for the placement period.
How can I engage?
For more information, contact
Equip Aged Care Learning Packages
Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care
The University of Tasmania was contracted to develop the Equip Aged Care Learning Packages. The packages consist of 14 modules designed for carers, personal care workers, nurses, allied health professionals and volunteers working in the aged care sector.
All 14 modules are free of charge and available now.
How can I engage?
Participants can enrol and complete the modules through the Equip website.
Aged Care Providers can request access links to the modules to be made available on their own learning platform. This option is available by contacting UTAS through the equip website.
Aged Care Nursing Clinical Placement Program
Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care
This program provides Bachelor of Nursing students with high-quality clinical placements in the care and support sector. Students are provided support through Clinical Facilitators and access to an Aged Care Knowledge hub.
The program is delivered across Australia by five suppliers:
- A consortium led by The University of Canberra
- Australian Primary Health Care Nurses Association
- Brightwater Care Group
- Hunter Primary Care
- Pop-Up Health
How can I engage?
Participants can register their interest via supplier’s websites.
Aged care service providers can contact the Department of Health and Aged Care with questions about the program via email:
Aged Care Transition to Practice Program
Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care
The Aged Care Transition to Practice (ACTTP) program provides nurses with mentoring, training, and support at the start of their career in aged care.
The program is delivered nationally by the following suppliers:
- Aged and Community Care Providers Association
- The Australian College of Nursing
The University of Wollongong
How can I engage?
Participants and aged care providers can register their interest through one of the three supplier’s websites:
Home Care Workforce Support Program
NACCHO, Settlement Services Australia, Aged and Community Services Australia, Apprenticeship Careers Australia, Care Community
The Home Care Workforce Support Program is aiming to attract, train and retain 13,000 personal care workers to the aged care sector by 2024.
The Government has provided $91 million in grants to six consortia, with specific funding allocated to assist rural and remote communities to deliver support services to providers.
The program provides services to Home Care Providers to assist with human resourcing, pre-employment support (including facilitating access to training, where required), post-placement support (including mentorship programs) to improve the retention of workers.
How can I engage?
Information on organisation delivering the program in each state or territory, can be found at: